Head Director – Warren Middle School
Mr. Cody Russell has been the Head Director since 2013. He believes in the value of a well-rounded education and aims to teach LIFE through MUSIC.
Mr. Russell is a 1996 honor graduate of Monterey High School in Lubbock, Texas. Upon graduation from High School, Mr. Russell attended Texas Tech University graduating in 2000 with a Bachelor of Music in Secondary Music Education. During his studies at TTU, Mr. Russell was the Drum Major of the University’s Goin’ Band from Raiderland, performed with the University Horn Ensemble under the direction of Professor Anthony Britton as well as with the Symphonic Band under the direction of Professor Keith Bearden. Mr. Russell was also a regular performer on Bass Guitar with University Jazz and Court Jester bands.
In addition to his performance experience with Texas Tech University, Mr. Russell has performed professionally on Horn with the Plainview Symphony, the New Mexico Community Symphony, and the Lubbock Christian University Theatre Orchestra. Mr. Russell continues to perform on Bass Guitar with area bands and church praise teams.
From 2000-2013, Mr. Russell served the Region 16 Lubbock area as a valued and respected Band Director. He has held positions as Associate Band Director at Frenship High School in Wolfforth, TX, Head Director at Cavazos Middle School in Lubbock, TX and most recently as the Head High School Director in Plains, TX where his bands received numerous Superior Ratings on the Concert Stage as well as the Marching Field. His Plains Concert Band competed on the State level in the Outstanding Performance Series competition. Mr. Russell also serves the State of Texas as an active UIL Concert Band Judge.
Mr. Russell is a member of: Texas Music Adjudicator’s Association, Texas Music Educator’s Association, Texas Bandmaster’s Association, and Kappa Kappa Psi Honorary Band Fraternity.
Mr. Russell lives in Forney with his wife Dee and their two children, Ellie and Cason.